With almost the same population as Taipei, Kaohsiung is a large port city full of skyscrapers. Like almost all Taiwanese cities, it has a wide variety of activities to do, whether it be walking through the shopping district, relaxing in Central Park or visiting the street art exhibitions, not forgetting the night markets so typical of the island . It is also worth strolling along the shore of the Love River, watching the boats go by and enjoying the lights of the city at nightfall.

高雄 in Kaohsiung Area (臺灣)
高雄 guide
What to do in 高雄
Rei Feng Night Market
Located north of Kaohsiung, it is the largest night market in the city, and also the most touristy. There are also, apart from stalls of food, playground with the famous doll vending machines, targets, bets and infinite variations. In it you can try various Taiwanese delicacies.
Pier-2 Art Center
Surely, the most well-known area of the city, located in the Yancheng district. It is near the sea, since it is the old port of Kaohsiung, which was abandoned when it went from being an industrial city to a service city. The various buildings host exhibitions, craft shops, modern cafés and cinemas. It is an area to walk around without blinking, since there are enormous graffiti on all the walls, the traffic signs are different and even on the floor you can find works of art. The tram passes through the middle of the area, connecting the ends of the city. Even so, it is best to travel by bicycle or walk to appreciate the different artistic expressions.
Cihou Fort and the Cijin lighthouse
Just one kilometer from Pier-2 is Gushan Ferry Pier, the port where you can catch the ferry that takes you to the small island in front of Kaohsiung, about 9 km in length. The journey is worth no more than NT $ 20, and lasts only 5 minutes.
From the place of disembarkation, going to the right, there is a small path that climbs the small mountain. At the end closest to the mainland, the lighthouse rises, and at the opposite end, the Cihou fortress, currently half in ruins. From the two points, on a clear day, you can see the skyline of the city, but most days, due to the abundant pollution, you can barely distinguish the other coast, especially if it is at sunset. On the other side of the island are the surfing beaches and, beyond that, the commercial ports.
Sanduo Shopping District
It's the neighborhood, they say, more touristy than Kaohsiung, although the truth is that if you do not want to buy anything, you have little to do in that district. It is located in the center of the city, with tall buildings and large avenues, full of clothing and technology stores. Within walking distance is Central Park, the largest park in Kaohsiung, which has a little pond inside, and small mountains that, for a moment, make you forget that you are in the most polluted city in Taiwan.
Lotus Pond
This artificial pond is located north of the city, in the district of Zuoying. It is a popular tourist destination, not only because you can walk around it or do water skiing in it, but also because of the temples that you can visit around it. The most curious are the Dragon and Tiger Pagodas, which are accessed through some bridges and entering through the mouth of the respective animals. In another of the extremes, is the temple of Confucius.
Soushan National Park
This great mountain located at the western end of the city is also known as Monkey Mountain due to the large number of monkeys that you can find in its forests. There are several ways by which to undertake the ascent to the top, reaching the University, the Zoo or the viewpoints above everything, from which you can observe the city on a clear and low-pollution day. I know I repeat myself, but the truth is that you see absolutely nothing but. You can check the levels here, and if they are in red, do not bother to upload, since the views will be null.
Food in 高雄
Kaohsiung has an excellent seafood, as it is a point of distribution of the fruits of the ocean throughout southern Taiwan. There's everything from a comforting bowl of fish soup to a seafood feast of whiskey, Kaohsiung's favorite drink. The seafood restaurants are called 海產 店 (hǎichǎn diàn), literally, 'seafood shop'.
An increasing number of young chefs and restaurateurs in the city are working to modernize Taiwanese cuisine in the south and focus on local products. Gien Jia is inspired by European cuisine and cooks with Taiwanese ingredients. A simple plate of grilled vegetables is presented with plum 'butter'; the pilgrim and chicken pumpkin salad is garnished with flying fish sauce; and fresh local shrimp and local bacon combine as a ravioli filling.
All the classic Taiwanese delicacies, whatever their city of origin, can be savored in Kaohsiung; Stewed pork with rice, oyster omelettes, soup dumplings, chive pancakes and frozen treats of all kinds. All this and much more is in the sensory cacophony that are the night markets. Of the dozen of them in Kaohsiung, Ruifeng Night Market is the favorite of the locals. It seems that everything happens there: fair games, selling clothes and various objects, people who sing, but food is still the main protagonist.
Climate in 高雄
In Kaohsiung, the wet season is hot, oppressive, and overcast and the dry season is warm, humid, and partly cloudy. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 59°F to 90°F and is rarely below 53°F or above 93°F.
The best time of year to visit Kaohsiung for warm-weather activities is from late October to early April.
Grand Hi Lai Hotel
目的地: 高雄
漢來大飯店位於成功一路和新田路的交匯處,擁有室外游泳池和 13 個國際餐飲場所,為客人提供舒適的客房和周到的接待服務。全館提供免費 WiFi...
Toongmao Hotel Kaohsiung
目的地: 高雄
統茂松柏大飯店距離高雄捷運文化中心站(橘線)步行 2 分鐘,設有供應早餐的餐廳、健身房和商務中心。客人可享有免費自行車租賃服務和...
Kaohsiung Ramble
目的地: 高雄
高雄漫步妘端位於繁華的三多商圈,距離捷運三多商圈站步行僅 3~5 分鐘。客人可搭乘捷運輕鬆前往高雄國際機場和高雄火車站,分別需時 15...
Treasure Island Motel - Renwu
目的地: 高雄
金銀島汽車旅館 - 仁武店位於高雄,近中山高速公路與國道十號交流道,距離澄清湖風景區 10 分鐘車程,離瑞豐夜市 15...
Color Fun inn
目的地: 高雄
繽紛樂旅店位於高雄市苓雅區,地理位置優越,距離真愛碼頭和六合觀光夜市皆為 3 公里,距離高雄市立歷史博物館 3.3 公里,距離駁二藝術特區約...
Hotel Sunshine
目的地: 高雄
陽光大飯店位於高雄苓雅區,距離高雄小港機場搭乘捷運只需 15 分鐘。館內採用東方式傢俱裝潢,設有咖啡廳以及附免費 WiFi...
The Tree House
目的地: 高雄
樹屋旅店提供現代化的優質旅宿,每間客房的設計皆獨具匠心,並提供免費 WiFi。飯店設有室外游泳池、飲料吧和 24...
Global Traveler Hotel
目的地: 高雄
旅行家商旅提供現代化的時尚客房,設有空調和免費 WiFi。旅館位於高雄,設有 24...
Uno Backpackers Inn
目的地: 高雄
貝殼窩港都青年旅舍- 高雄提供設有空調的宿舍房和私人客房,也提供免費無線網路,距離新崛江購物區僅有幾步之遙。飯店內並設有 24...
Chia Lee Lee Hotel
目的地: 高雄
85家莉莉主題旅宿位於高雄市苓雅區,地理位置優越,距離真愛碼頭 2.4 公里,距離六合觀光夜市 2.9 公里,距離駁二藝術特區 3.1...
True Love Kaohsiung
目的地: 高雄
真愛高雄旅館位於高雄,享有市景,距離六合觀光夜市 500 公尺,距離高雄市立歷史博物館約 2.2 公里,距離真愛碼頭和駁二藝術特區均 3.2...
Holiday Inn Express Kaohsiung Love River, an IHG Hotel
目的地: 高雄
F HOTEL 愛河館位於高雄,距離高雄歷史博物館 400 公尺,設有餐廳和全館免費...
Travel Port Motel
目的地: 高雄
旅港汽車旅館位於高雄市小崗區,地理位置優越,距離六合觀光夜市 11 公里,距離真愛碼頭 12 公里,距離高雄市立歷史博物館 12...
Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel 高雄萬豪酒店
目的地: 高雄
入住Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel,享受宛如明星待遇的世界級服務Kaohsiung Marriott Hotel 位於高雄,距離捷運後驛站不到 1...
The Riverside Hotel Fashion
目的地: 高雄
日光河堤時尚旅店位在知名的愛河河畔,距離愛河僅約 6 分鐘車程。館內設有 24 小時接待櫃台,並提供全館免費...
目的地: 高雄
高雄麗馨商旅七賢館位於高雄,距離高雄歷史博物館 500 公尺,館內設有餐廳和全館可使用的免費無線網路。 高雄麗馨商旅七賢館距離六合夜市有 15...
Sleepie muti-minsu center
目的地: 高雄
綠光水畔位於高雄,距離瑞豐夜市 600 公尺,距離蓮池潭 2.7 公里。民宿提供免費 WiFi...
Liuhe Corner House 737
目的地: 高雄
六合轉角 737 位於高雄新興區,距離六合觀光夜市不到 300 公尺,距離高雄歷史博物館 1.6 公里,提供免費...
Royal Group Hotel Bo Ai Branch
目的地: 高雄
禦宿商旅-博愛館位於高雄市中心,提供附平面電視和浴缸的現代化客房。商旅距離熱門的六合觀光夜市僅約 4...
T Hotel Kaohsiung
目的地: 高雄
大益商旅位在高雄。館內備有自行車供客人免費使用,並提供免費 WiFi。 每間客房均裝有空調,並配有電視及...
Harbour 10 Hotel
目的地: 高雄
鈞怡大飯店位於高雄市前金區,地理位置優越,距離高雄市立歷史博物館不到 1 公里,距離駁二藝術特區步行 17 分鐘,距離六合觀光夜市 2.1...
目的地: 高雄
崧泰旅店位於高雄前金區,距離真愛碼頭 1.3 公里,距離六合觀光夜市 1.8 公里,距離駁二藝術特區 2 公里,提供 24...
薇風情汽車旅館 - 鳳山館
目的地: 高雄
薇風情汽車旅館(鳳山店)位於高雄,距離國立科學工藝博物館 8 公里,距離六合觀光夜市 9 公里,距離高雄覆鼎金保安宮 10...
QQ Bar & Happy Surf Homestay
目的地: 高雄
QQ Bar 開心衝浪民宿位於高雄,距離旗津輪渡站 500 公尺,距離六合觀光夜市 18 公里,提供免費...
Royal Group Motel Ming Zu Branch
目的地: 高雄
Royal Group Hotel Ming Zu Branch 距離高雄火車站 10 分鐘車程。客房裝潢奢華,均提供免費 WiFi 、空調和 spa...
Trip GG Hostel
目的地: 高雄
旅聚居青年旅舍位於高雄,距離捷運美麗島站(1 號出口)僅 50 公尺,提供無菸生活空間和全館免費 WiFi,步行 1...
Nest Hotel- Jhonghua Branch
目的地: 高雄
鳥巢商旅中華館位於高雄市的中心地帶,提供設備完善的客房、全館免費 WiFi 和會議設施。 這棟現代化的建築距離廣受歡迎的西子灣海灘不到 10...
LaiChiTe Hotel Love River
目的地: 高雄
青雨行館位於高雄市鹽埕區,距離愛河只有幾步之遙,距離鹽埕埔站僅有 8 分鐘步行路程。 所有客房均配有平板衛星電視。青雨行館各處均提供免費...
City Suites - Kaohsiung Pier2
目的地: 高雄
城市商旅-高雄駁二館以行業風格元素、鐵製物品和古董傢俱裝潢,為所有至高雄的客人提供舒適溫馨的住宿。旅館距離最近的地鐵鹽城鋪站 10...
Red Residence Hotel
目的地: 高雄
紅舍客棧旅店位於高雄,提供高雅的客房,距離三多商圈捷運站 2 分鐘步行路程。設有 24...
目的地: 高雄
入住InterContinental Kaohsiung, an IHG Hotel,享受宛如明星待遇的世界級服務InterContinental Kaohsiung, an IHG Hotel...
Kindness Hotel Shinkuchan
目的地: 高雄
康橋商旅新崛江館距離新堀江商圈和高捷中央公園站步行皆僅需 5 分鐘,提供免費自行車租借服務,房內可免費使用有線網路,且全館提供免費...
85 Asia Hotel
目的地: 高雄
85 Asia Hotel 位在高雄三多商圈,距離捷運三多商圈站 1 號出口僅 3 分鐘步行路程,飯店隔壁就是著名的高雄 85 大樓。飯店提供全館免費...
LJ Hotel
目的地: 高雄
旅捷商務旅館位於高雄,距離高雄歷史博物館約 2.2 公里,距離駁二藝術特區約 2.2 公里,全館提供免費 WiFi。旅館距離六合觀光夜市亦約 2.2...
目的地: 高雄
好地方大飯店位於高雄市苓雅區,交通便利,距離六合觀光夜市 3 公里,距離高雄歷史博物館 3.3 公里,距離駁二藝術特區 3.6 公里,距離真愛碼頭 3...
All-Ur Boutique Motel - KaoHsiung Branch
目的地: 高雄
歐遊國際連鎖精品旅館-高雄館每間套房均擁有獨特的設計和主題,設有免費 WiFi 和舒適 SPA 浴缸。 旅館位於建國一路,距離捷運技擊館站有 8...
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